How to Deal With In-Laws

Let’s dive into a topic I know hits home for many of you: dealing with in-laws.

Whether it’s the occasional Sunday dinner or the full-blown weeklong visit, navigating the choppy waters of in-law relationships is part and parcel of married life.

So, grab your life vest, folks, because we’re about to get our feet wet.

First off, let me tell you, you’re not alone. I’ve sat across from countless couples who’ve locked horns over in-law issues. The tension can be so thick you could cut it with a knife.

But here’s the kicker: it’s often not about the in-laws themselves, but about boundary setting, respect, and understanding within your partnership.

So, how do you deal with in-laws in a way that keeps the peace without compromising your own sanity?

Let’s get into it.

1. Communication is King (and Queen)

Remember that game ‘Pass It On’ you played as a kid? You whisper a message around a circle and it comes out hilariously distorted at the end. Well, that’s no game with in-laws. Miscommunications can lead to World War III. So, make it a point to communicate openly with your partner about your feelings and encourage them to do the same. Once you’re on the same page, you present a united front to the in-laws.

2. Set Boundaries Like a Pro

Boundaries are not about building walls; they’re about placing fences with gates. You decide when they open and close. Sit down with your partner and determine what works for you both. Maybe it’s a rule about not dropping by unannounced or a cap on how long they can stay. Whatever it is, be clear and firm, and remember, consistency is your best friend here.

3. Flexibility Isn’t Just for Yoga

Now don’t get me twisted, I’m not saying to be a doormat, but sometimes, going with the flow is the path of least resistance. Your partner’s family has their quirks, just like yours does. Pick your battles wisely. Can you live with your father-in-law’s love for 5 AM fishing trips when he visits? If it’s not a hill to die on, let it slide.

4. Keep the Respect Dial Turned Up

You don’t have to agree with everything your in-laws say or do (and trust me, you won’t), but maintaining respect is crucial. A simple ‘I see your point’ can do wonders, even if inside you’re thinking, ‘I see your point, but I’d rather watch paint dry than take that advice.’

5. Seek the Positive Like a Treasure Hunt

Every person has their shining points, and your in-laws are no exception. Maybe your mother-in-law makes a mean lasagna, or your father-in-law can fix just about anything. Focusing on the positives can help soften your perspective and create a more harmonious environment.

6. Navigate the Cultural Minefields with Grace

Sometimes, in-law tension stems from cultural differences. I’ve seen this firsthand. It’s like you’re from Venus, and they’re from a Venus that has an entirely different set of social norms. In these cases, show interest and a willingness to learn about their customs. It’s an opportunity for growth, and who knows, you might find some of these traditions enriching your own life.

7. Remember, It’s Okay to Say No

You’re allowed to have limits. If you feel like a boundary is being crossed, speak up. It doesn’t have to be a showdown at the O.K. Corral; just a simple, “We appreciate your input, but we’ve decided to go another route” can suffice.

8. Protect Your Partnership

At the end of the day, your allegiance is to your partner. In-law drama should never take centre stage in your relationship. Protect the sanctity of your partnership by not letting these external pressures become internal conflicts.

So, to all you wonderful people navigating the in-law obstacle course, remember that it’s about building bridges, not moats. It takes patience, communication, and a hefty dose of humour. Trust me, I’ve been in the trenches with you. My own in-law escapades could fill a book (but that’s a story for another time).

By employing these strategies, you’ll be on your way to a more peaceful family dynamic, or at the very least, you’ll have a game plan for the next holiday dinner.

Remember, it’s perfectly fine to retreat to your corner for a breather now and then. After all, everyone needs a little time to recharge, especially when family members are involved.

And if you’d like my help to create better love and connection between you and your partner why not take a look at my couples counselling page next?

Bye for now
