How to raise children together

Today we’re tackling an integral aspect of family life: parenting together.

The stakes are high, right?

We’re not just talking about keeping a plant alive; we’re talking about raising well-adjusted children. This post will give you 9 actionable strategies for effective co-parenting, improving communication with your partner, and striking a balance in shared responsibilities.

Let’s get started.

1. Parenting: The Architect’s Approach

Ever thought about how architects work together on a building project?

Imagine if one is planning a bungalow, and the other a skyscraper. It wouldn’t quite work out, would it? The same applies to raising children.

Both architects, or in this case parents, need to agree on the blueprint, making sure they’re building the same structure. Just like creating a building that stands the test of time requires mutual agreement and collaboration, so does raising well-adjusted children.

Raising well-adjusted children requires mutual agreement and collaboration

2. Creating a Shared Parenting Blueprint: Aligning Parenting Goals

The first step in successful co-parenting is creating a shared parenting blueprint. This blueprint should reflect your shared values, aspirations, and goals for your children. Just like in business, both partners need to be on the same page in this venture.

Here’s a list of questions to get the conversation started:

1. What values do you want to instil in your children?

2. What does success look like to you as a parent?

3. How do you envision your roles as parents?

These questions lead to meaningful discussions about your parenting styles, ensuring you’re aligned in your approach.

3. Co-parenting Communication Strategies: Building Effective Communication Channels

Successful co-parenting goes beyond splitting tasks; it’s about continuous communication and recalibration as your children grow. Effective communication just the lifeline of your relationship with your partner…

…It’s also the lifeline of co-parenting.

Studies show that couples who communicate effectively have a better chance of successful co-parenting (Bjørknes & Manger, 2013). So, talk! Talk about your dreams, your fears, and your ideas about parenting.

And remember, communication isn’t just about talking…

…It’s about listening, too.

Here are a few co-parenting communication tips to foster healthy dialogue:

1. Schedule quality conversation time: Set aside time for undistracted, quality talks. This means phones away and TV off. Don’t let your electrical devices come between you.
2. Practise active listening: Instead of waiting for your turn to speak, strive to genuinely understand your partner’s perspective.
3. Harness the power of empathy: Showing understanding can help defuse potential conflicts, smoothing your co-parenting journey.

4. Self-Care in the Journey of Parenting

In the midst of juggling parental responsibilities, it’s crucial not to forget about your well-being. Remember the safety speech on airplanes?

“Put your oxygen mask on first before assisting others.”

The same principle applies to parenting. When you’re at your best, you’re better able to support your children and partner.

5. Establish Common Ground

You two are a team, so find shared principles. Do you both believe in discipline? How about the importance of education or family meals? Find those common pillars and make them the foundation of your parenting strategy.

6. Parenting Discipline: Presenting a United Front

This is a big one.

Children seem to be naturally skilled at ‘Dividing and Conquering’.

A critical aspect of successful co-parenting is consistency, especially in the area of discipline. Children are incredibly perceptive. If they spot inconsistencies in your approach, they’ll exploit them. It’s crucial to present a united front, reinforcing the same rules and consequences together.

Refer back to ‘Common Ground’ above and make sure you’re both on the same page.

7. Make Room for Individuality

Let’s be honest, you’re not clones.

You and your partner will have different parenting styles influenced by your own childhood.

And that’s okay.

Respect each other’s uniqueness and use it to your advantage. Remember, your kid/s can benefit from different perspectives.

8. Forge a United Front

Think of this of an extension of the ‘Parenting Discipline entry above.

If there’s a disagreement, sort it out away from the kids.

It’s essential to present a united front, making sure your children see you as a team.

It builds trust and security.

9. Embrace Flexibility

Expect the unexpected.

Kids can throw you some real curveballs. Just when you think you’ve got this parenting lark sussed…

…They’ll go and change the goal posts on you.

In such times, flexibility is your best friend. Learn to adapt and change your strategies as needed.


Successful co-parenting is akin to designing and constructing a strong building.

It requires:

1. Planning

2. Communication

3. Consistent adjustment

4. Understanding

Just remember that the journey of co-parenting isn’t always smooth sailing. But with patience, understanding, and the right strategies, you can navigate the challenges and build a nurturing environment for your children.

A safe house that stands strong through the test of time.

And hey, if you need assistance with your parenting blueprint or communication strategies, I’m here to help. Don’t hesitate to reach out, okay?

You don’t have to be alone in this journey.

Remember, even the most accomplished CEOs have advisors.